Trade union representative meeting about OK20 and the new Holiday Act (3F Copenhagen)
Mon, 04 Feb
|3F Copenhagen
Meeting for the union representatives in 3F Copenhagen. The themes will be New holiday law, diversity and the OK20 process for extracting claims. It is very important that the shop stewards in the Copenhagen club participate actively in requirements for OK20 - NEVER AGAIN OK17...!

Tid & sted
04 Feb 2019, 08:30 – 15:15
3F Copenhagen, Peter Ipsens Allé 25, 2400 Copenhagen, Denmark
Om begivenheden
The meeting will be held on Monday 4 February at 08:30 in 3F Copenhagen (large hall)
08:30 Coffee, tea and light breakfast
09:00 Welcome
09:15 The new holiday law v/Hans Daugaard, Negotiating Secretary in the Industry Group
12:00 Break
12:30 "Diverse workplace" - Inspirational presentation at Mellemfolkeligt Samvirke
13:00 The first steps towards OK20, including the process for extracting requirements for the collective agreements
15:15 Closing
Registration no later than Wednesday 30 January