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Industry course Module I - For scaffolders

Mon, 28 Jan


3F Course Center Langsøhus

Course in basic White Book, Price List, Agreement and Working Environment. Learn how to find your way around the White Book, the Price Guide and the Agreement... - and what about those action plans... Take an industry course - It pays off!

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Industry course Module I - For scaffolders
Industry course Module I - For scaffolders

Tid & sted

28 Jan 2019, 09:00 – 01 Feb 2019, 12:00

3F Course Center Langsøhus, Vestre Ringvej 51, 8600 Silkeborg, Denmark

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FB Frame - Industry course Model I:

Programs etc. are under courses here on the scaffolding

In addition to information on, a Facebook group has also been set up.

The group is used for sharing information, materials etc. during the course.

The group is ONLY for the registered participants and will be emptied after the course.

Date: 28.01.2019 09:00 - 01.02.2019 12:00

Location: Langsøhus

Vestre Ringvej 51

8600 Silkeborg

Course no.: 2131-19-00-07

Deadline: 28.01.2019 09:00 (preferably 6 weeks before)

Registration via your local 3F department or with Nem-ID here:

On the individual industry courses, we focus on collective agreements, forms of pay, price lists, local agreements and other matters that are current within the individual industry.

The industry courses are held at the same school, as a common industry week for everyone within the construction and civil engineering field.

This creates the opportunity to run the individual industry courses at the same time, at the same time that we jointly - i.e. across the industries – focuses on common overall topics that cover all industry areas.

You will meet representatives of the Construction and Construction Group's management and have the opportunity to discuss how we can tackle the future professional challenges.

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